As far as the concept of integrated marketing communications is concerned, it is a powerful way to put your business on the map and bring more and more sales to help your business grow rapidly. Even if you run a small business, you must have come across this term of “IMC” and you must be having the enthusiasm to know more about it. There are two concepts related to integrated marketing communications and are multi-channel attribution and omnichannel marketing while they are not the same but are related to integrated marketing communications. Techsaga offers IT services for the Integrated brand management industry to improvise operational efficiencies and streamline internal processes through developing well-planned methodologies intended to support organizations and fulfill the necessities. As far as multi-channel attribution is concerned, it is simply a method to reach different channels to be in contact with your audience. If you have a combination of Instagram, Facebook, Twit...
Techsaga Corporations is bristled on the foundation of multidisciplinary team inherited with the proven track record and eminent talent. In herd of ours, fellow strategists, design creators and innovators are the part, accountable for the clients delight and exceeded expectations. This startup was once a project of those realized the potency of IT applications in the scores of fields way ahead in the year 2012.