How much is your digital marketing plan going to create revenue for you? Every digital marketing plan should track return on investment . ROI is a measure of how much revenue a company makes after all the expenses, and provides clarity on worthiness of your investments. Positive ROI confirms the company is on the right track.Negative ROI confirms that you need to reevaluate your marketing strategies, that includes assessing the ROI of individual digital marketing campaigns. Which digital marketing metrics should be used and how these can be assessed in terms of return? Techsaga, with 12+ years of expertise and knowledge is a Digital Marketing Company , helps you transform your business that delivers a measurable amount of an investment, through business-centered digital marketing solutions. In this post, we’ll discuss some vital digital marketing ROI metrics and explain how to use them to assess your return. To help you gain valuable insights into your marketing campaigns, w...
Techsaga Corporations is bristled on the foundation of multidisciplinary team inherited with the proven track record and eminent talent. In herd of ours, fellow strategists, design creators and innovators are the part, accountable for the clients delight and exceeded expectations. This startup was once a project of those realized the potency of IT applications in the scores of fields way ahead in the year 2012.