Showing posts with label Agile Transformations Company. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agile Transformations Company. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2023

Why is agile transformation important?

The process of transforming a corporation from a reactive to a proactive organization is referred to as agile transformation. To achieve this feat organizations have to implement various methodologies regarding agile transformation. 

This type of transformation is not based only on the development of software but also depends on the transformation of the complete organization. Agile transformation brings many transformational changes to the overall working of the organization. Product development is only one of the aspects of this transformation. The main goal that is achieved by this aspect is that you can breathe new life into the workings of the organization. An environment that embraces the level of creativity and innovation comes into the picture through an agile transformation. 

A new life with the freshness of innovation, and creativity comes into the picture with the implementation of agile transformation. The conclusion of the implementation of such steps results in a self-organized team with a new level of focus.  Techsaga is one of the prime examples of an Agile transformation company in Noida. This company has been able to produce top-notch results in terms of decision-making and producing cognitive results for agile transformation.

Why is agile transformation important?

Important steps for agile transformation-

The agile transformation process includes many crucial steps necessary to carry on with this process. The company requires to undertake the following steps in a cohesive manner:

  • Formulate a leadership team
  • Setting of goals
  • Developing a cohesive roadmap

The company's progress must be monitored, and critical modifications must be made to keep the agile transition on track. Keeping track eventually aids in determining what viable tactics can be taken. You must develop a tactical communication strategy. This must be done to ensure that no goal is overlooked and that all objectives are met intellectually.

Agile transformation cannot be completed in a single day. It needs constant checking and progress should be kept on track. To do this task the management takes the help of teams that are cross-functional. Furthermore, such teams will need at least 5-10 people to execute this assignment. The process must be followed correctly from start to finish. With the help of these units, teams are able to eliminate handoffs at an excruciating rate. Furthermore, agile transformation does require solving inevitable problems.

Roles of a team during Agile transformation-

It is necessary to transfer project assignments from the approach of the individual to the team. During this phase, it is vital to review the entire project rather than holding someone individually accountable for any involvement. Agile transformation necessitates the organization working as a cohesive entity. In addition, the bureaucracy must be maintained at all times. Subsequently, some steps of the agile transformation can be completed in an instant but others require an environment where constant changes are necessary. Employees during the process of agile transformation require constant coaching and professional development. Newer practices and concepts are required to be introduced to keep this project going. 

For agile transformation, you are required to have continual coaching. Along with this, it is necessary to keep the track of professional development of the team. 

Ending thoughts-

Agile transformation is the need of the hour. By implementing this procedure, you can change the framework of working in a team with the best procedures possible. Techsaga is one such agile transformation company that has stood the test of time and produced eloquent results. Furthermore, the consistent efforts that have been pulled by this company are admirable. This company has shown time after time that agile transformation can actually bring revolutionary results. Moreover, this corporation is always on the grind and is consistently working to satisfy its customers.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Top 8 Ways to Determine Software Development Costs in 2022

If you want to determine software development cost, it is important for you to understand all the aspects which come under it and you can really develop a project through which you can understand those aspects which play the most total role in software development costs. There can be some unpredictable influences that can lead to inaccurate results and because of that, there can be differences in software development costs over the years. So if you want to know the top 8 ways which can really determine software development costs,  you will have to keep reading this blog.

Software Development Company | Techsaga


Techsaga, a Software Development Company based in Noida, is an industry expert in creating security features to integrate well into the application development lifecycle.

Let’s know the top ways for software development costs:

1. Make sure about the involvement of business stakeholders

Stakeholders play a very important role as far as the software estimation process is concerned. Business leaders, as well as technology teams, are able to get an understanding of the project and it also makes everyone accountable for the initial estimate of the costs. If you can know this approach very well, it will be easy for you to understand the software development costs.

2. Understand software estimation projects failure

There can be lots of reasons which can lead to software estimation projects failure but if you can understand the reasons behind the failure, it will certainly help you know the development costs. There can be a reason for leadership that can lead to project failure or on the other hand, there can also be a reason for the bad quality of work from the side of the employees. Leaders should be such in a particular project that they can make a quick decision regarding any lapse which takes place in the process of the project. On the other hand, it is also important for team members to understand the guidance clearly so that no error can be possible in the software project.

3. Increasing transparency in software estimation with the requirements

You have to understand the ways to break down the requirements as far as software development is concerned. Stakeholders must understand the process it takes to develop a particular software and they must look for the details which can add the importance of time to project estimation this can certainly create transparency and will also shorten the software estimation. It will not only help in the reduction of the costs, but it will also improve the quality of the project. Teams will be able to set their milestones and they will also be able to contribute in a better way to the success of the project.

Techsaga, a website development company, is excellently designing and developing web applications at their best.

4. Relate estimate to reality

You should know the factors against which you are going to measure your estimate and this is certainly going to be a significant challenge for you to do. You have to understand a particular project in such a way that you can really estimate your cost accordingly and if you are able to establish the baseline, it will become easier for you to estimate in a better way. This will also allow your team members to re-estimate and in this way, it will be easy for you to get the idea through the portions of the project that is going to be underway.

5. Building the right team helps in many ways

If you’re going to have a team that is more than just developers, it is certainly going to be very much helpful in the process of any project related to software. If you want to provide business value to your project, you must know how to use the application effectively and the team members must be capable enough to analyze the business in a better way to know the requirements of the project so that efficient development can be achieved through it. You should have a designer in the project who can not only provide an effective interface that can look attractive but can also help in facilitating meaningful user flow and this will certainly make the project successful.

6. Understand the importance of the project owner during the process

The project owner matters a lot during the process of any project because you can understand all the important requirements of the project during the process through him only. He is able to clarify the differences between the business and the technology and he also makes sure about the priorities on which you need to work to deliver the business value. It is important to focus on one project in a better way rather than having lots of project duties which can lead to imperiling the project.

7. Go through good software estimation metrics

Good software estimation metrics help in revealing the problem sooner and that becomes imperative during the process of any project related to software. If the team members are developing the software at the expected pace, metrics will definitely show that and that it will also help in determining the software development costs. Some members can be slow and some can be fast but it is important to know the average time within which the completion of the project can take place.

8. Understand small things for a better estimate

Understanding the estimate and the requirements of the project and then assigning the task to the developers certainly helps you a lot and it’s going to also help you in determining the software development costs. It is important to ask a few questions during the project. When is the project going to be ready? How can a developer become 100% productive? How can project completion take place if a team has two members versus a team with seven members? All such questions must be marked important and they’re important to determine software development costs.

Techsaga Corporation is one of the best software Development companies which progressively integrates a secure software development life cycle starting from requirements to design, coding to test, and to the successful deployment of products in the marketplace, we handle all. 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Top 7 Digital Marketing ROI Metrics You Need To Know in 2022

How much is your digital marketing plan going to create revenue for you?

Every digital marketing plan should track return on investment. ROI is a measure of how much revenue a company makes after all the expenses, and provides clarity on worthiness of your investments. Positive ROI confirms the company is on the right track.Negative ROI confirms that you need to reevaluate your marketing strategies, that includes assessing the ROI of individual digital marketing campaigns. Which digital marketing metrics should be used and how these can be assessed in terms of return?  

Techsaga, with 12+ years of expertise and knowledge is a Digital Marketing Company, helps you transform your business that delivers a measurable amount of an investment, through business-centered digital marketing solutions.

Social Media Marketing Company | Techsaga Corporation

In this post, we’ll discuss some vital digital marketing ROI metrics and explain how to use them to assess your return. To help you gain valuable insights into your marketing campaigns, we provide a suite of advanced marketing tools.

To know more, keep reading the blog!

How to calculate ROI?

The basic ROI formula includes subtracting the money you spent from your return from your earned money. Then, dividing that result by your investment, followed by multiplication of 100, will give conversion of ROI to a percentage. Calculating marketing ROI is not simpler, rather tricky as it involves  numerous campaigns over the long and short term that may contribute to one sale.

Calculating ROI over the long term

If you’re calculating your digital marketing ROI over a long term, adding marketing expenses and revenue.

Calculating ROI over the short term

Specifically, if the ROI of a specific campaign needs to be calculated through different digital marketing metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to determine its value. 

Few useful digital marketing KPIs are:

  • Website visitors
  • Conversion rate
  • Cost per lead
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Brand awareness

Lead generated in a campaign has its own conversion time. Lead may enter your marketing funnel and can get converted after several years down the line, depending on various campaigns and types of content. 

For example, prospects can click your ad, signing up for your email list.

Few weeks or months later, clicking on the link provided in the email will land them on your website blog. From that landing page,further they may take interest in free trial. Finally, after the trial phase ends, they may make a purchase.

So, the lesson learned is immediate conversion/sale is not expected, and it's still valuable.  Above example shows that you might consider someone clicking an ad followed by registering with an email and signing up can be considered a successful conversion. Your conversion rate for your email list signup can be one of your KPIs metrics for your specific digital campaign.

Calculating digital Return On Investment over the long term can work, if your business has a long buyer’s journey. However, calculating ROI for specific digital campaigns helps you to track or  meet your goals.

Tracking the Digital marketing ROI metrics, helps you improve your campaign effectiveness and accuracy. 

Here we discussed 7 most useful marketing success KPI or metrics for calculating ROI.

1. Average sale price

Average sale price is a relatively simple metric, but offers accurate numbers while calculating your digital ROI. Your average sale price is the average gross revenue for a sale. Add gross sales revenue for a specific campaign run for a specific time and divide it by the total sales.

Average calculation allows you to know the amount for differences in price due to sales, discounts, and product variation.

2. Customer lifetime value

Customer lifetime value (CLV) measures customer;s worth for your business in their journey as a customer. To calculate CLV, average revenue from a customer in a year multiplied with the average number of years your customers stay with your company.

Then, subtracting the cost of retaining that customer from that final number.

3. Cost per lead

Cost per lead (CPL),also referred to as cost per conversion, is typically used for paid traffic. CPL is the cost incurred to the company to acquire a lead or a prospect — a user who expresses interest in your products, services, or company and may become a customer. To calculate this, divide the number of leads acquired in a defined period of time by the ad spent over the same period.

4. Lead close rate

Your lead close rate is the percentage of your leads which make a purchase. To determine your lead close rate, divide the total number of leads by the number of closed leads, multiplying with 100 to get the percentage value of Lead close rate..

5. Cost per acquisition

Your cost per acquisition time spent on ads to gain a new customer. Calculating CPA digital marketing metric, is to divide your digital marketing costs for a campaign over  a period of time by the number of conversions earned during that period or campaign.

If your cost per acquisition is lower than your average revenue from a sale, Your ROI is positive.

6. Cost per click

Your cost per click (CPC) is the amount you spent on single clicks by the user on your pay-per-click ad. To determine metrics of CPC, calculate total cost of your clicks over a given period dividing by the number of cost per click (CPC) . CPC calculator helps you to calculate CPC in a quick and effective way. If a company is using Google Ads,Google Analytics can help you get the CPC data,  alongside other useful information about your ad campaigns.

7. Conversion rate

Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that convert, and make a purchase, and sign up for an email list.  This metric is similar to lead close rate, but the key difference here is that one measures lead close rate over a long period, contrary to that conversion rate is typically used for specific campaigns. Your conversion rate narrates the importance and relevance of your landing pages. More conversions means positive ROI for your business.

Techsaga:Delivering Clients for more than 10 years

Through weekly communications, monthly reporting and strategy reviews we make sure every digital campaign is focused totally on delivering results aided by client-centric approach.

Need an E-Commerce Site? 5 Tips to ensure a successful eCommerce development project

Web development is complicated because a multitude of aspects is involved, from user experience to website performance. eCommerce website development is a robust and complex process, throwing particular challenges. Since website visitors will learn about making purchases, developers would want to make the process hassle-free and intuitive. Considering the aspects of usability, an eCommerce site developer ensures the user-friendly navigation, and development process must be conceptualized in such a way that products must be effectively displayed on the website providing a compelling experience to the customers.

Techsaga, an IT Company for E-commerce, renders successful development services to support clients in order to expand and grow their e-commerce business across all possible work platforms with fully-functional frameworks. Techsaga holds expertise, with proficient developers, keeping up with all the latest industry trends and technology to deliver the most suitable eCommerce development services as per clients’ business needs. Our client-centric approach, timely delivery of bug-free solutions, and 100% customer satisfaction placed us in the strongest position in the IT industry.

Software Development Company

With the advent of the Internet, people are using it for socializing, entertainment, working, and research as well as shopping.

The millennial generation prefers the online mode of shopping and usually spends more money on online stores, therefore eCommerce will continue to grow. Currently, 43% of online shoppers research products on social media, and read comments or google about the brand, before purchasing.

In this fast-paced digitization, Retailers cannot afford to stay offline. Ecommerce sites empower businesses to reach target audiences, the brand promotes, making profits, and offers access to the global customers that brick-and-mortar stores would never offer. If an eCommerce brand seeking worldwide market access and brand recognition, then a dedicated eCommerce website is required.

A dedicated eCommerce website must implement responsive design for a better customer experience. The website should be optimized for selling your products, from basic navigation to checkout, payment, branding, and shipping. eCommerce website is optimized for mobile, to provide the best experience, as a large portion of the traffic are mobile users.

Seamless eCommerce experience is required for a robust and scalable eCommerce platform to ensure the website is optimally working. Consider these valuable points to ensure that you get the maximum from your website.

Website performance

Make sure the eCommerce platform should have a responsive design, with integrated features and functionalities with a strong uptime record. Website must be available when customers want to shop and loading time should not take long as it detaches customers’ interest in your brand.  Unlimited API ensures easy website management, and quick page loading to give customers the best experience.

Traffic capacity

eCommerce platform must handle the volume of traffic coming to your website. The website should be built in such a way that features and functionalities can be modified or added as your business expands. 

Mobile optimization

A large base of consumers are preferring mobile devices for shopping, so your platform must be optimized and scaled for an excellent mobile encounter. Enhance customer experience through features integration like geolocation, which helps customers to navigate the nearest store.

Secure payments and data

The platform must support SSL to encrypt information that needs to remain secure, securing customers’ data. Vital information like credit card details and payment information along with key information like address, phone number, email, etc, must remain secure. Only SSL implementation does not ensure that customers will show their trust that their information will remain secure. In addition, PCI compliance is needed for any business which accepts credit card payments. Self-hosted and open-source solutions require you to have a greater understanding of security, as there’s always a chance of cyber attack from hackers. 

Support Guest Checkouts

Companies with eCommerce sites require the user to sign in and fill invaluable information in order to make a purchase. E-mail provided by the customer can be utilized for follow-up communication that encourages future sales, as well as help in analyzing demographic information of customers to analyze sales. However, one should keep in mind that not always every customer wants to go through the process of creating an account in order to buy a product. Repeat customers after registration seek benefits from having an account, such as receiving notifications about upcoming sales and getting rewards. Guest -check-out is a pro idea to encourage users to create an account and upon completion, allow them to create an account using the information that they just entered.

Techsaga is a 12-year-old ISO certified company with 1200+ completed projects, serving more than 1000+ clients. Being a leading eCommerce Software Development Company, Techsaga has been successfully providing tailor-made engagement models for web, mobile, and app development services, to meet the exact requirements of clients.

  • Technically Skilled & Experienced
  • Creative theme and layout development
  • Robust creativity
  • On-Time Delivery
  • Performance & Scalability
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Supportive Customer-Assistance

Keeping these aspects in mind while developing an eCommerce site, helps you to ensure the best experience for your customers.

If you are considering your eCommerce website getting designed? Do you want to have an idea that how to get started developing your eCommerce site from ideation to execution? Kindly speak to our web development expert.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Organic Social Media vs Paid: Key Differences | Techsaga Corporations

There is a huge difference between organic social media and paid social media and if you can understand the difference between the two, you’ll be able to take your business to a different level. The work process can be the same but their application is going to be different to attract the audience online. Therefore it becomes important for you to understand that both the types of social media work separately and their method of attracting the audience is also different. Before moving forward, it’s important that you understand the pros and cons of both and then decide upon whether you need to go through an organic social media platform or a paid social media platform.

Techsaga Corporations, a Digital Marketing Company implements affordable digital marketing techniques to equip effective digital marketing strategies to help businesses get the most out of their marketing budget.

Digital marketing company  | Techsaga Corporations

As far as Covid 19 is concerned, it has surely increased the number of social media users and at present, more than 4.2 billion social media users are available worldwide. As far as spending related to paid social media platforms is concerned, According to a prediction, it is going to increase by 12 billion in 2025. Now let’s understand both the types of social media to really know which one can be better to promote your products and services:

Organic social media

It is related to any free content which is in the form of videos, photos, posts, stories, and memes that social media users share with their friends and colleagues. This is certainly going to be the best way to grab the attention of the customers online. If you go through writing blogs or any post, it is certainly going to engage your audience with your products and services and you’ll be able to build good relations with them online.

There are three types of followers who are going to be through your organic social media usage and the first type of followers will be those who get the products and services for the first time. The second type of followers will be your own followers who will be knowing already that you'll be sharing some posts related to your products and services. And the third type of people will be those who will be able to find you through your used hashtags.

What benefits are the businesses going to get through organic social media?

  • Organic social media will be able to help you establish a brand personality and a unique identity online.
  • You will also be able to build customer relationships by sharing informative content and interesting post with them.
  • You will also be able to engage your customers in your post and they will be able to know more about you.

What are the pros of using organic social media?


An organic social media platform is definitely going to be cost-effective since you’re not going to pay anything for that. You will have to wait for the content to reach your target audience.

You can engage and assist the customers

You’ll be able to engage with their customers online and they’ll be able to know more about your products and services.

Brand personality

It’s not just about engaging and making the content cost-effective, you’ll also be able to brand your product in such a way that you will have your unique identity.

Cons of organic social media


Organic social media can certainly take lots of time and if you want your brand to be known in a good manner, you will have to wait for quite some time.

Different algorithms

Organic social media takes those types of algorithms which can work on different occasions and you cannot really rely on the algorithms because they keep changing and you never know when your content will be before the target audience.

Techsaga Corporations, a Social Media Marketing Company, helped in redefining the real-estate landscape through digitization and assisting real estate companies with their modified sales and communication strategies.

What is paid social media?

It involves payment to boost your content so that your content can become visible and may reach more and more people from the audience. You’ll be able to pay different platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and they’ll be able to share your content with the target audience. There are people who are using different platforms and they will surely be able to see your content in terms of advertisement and those who are interested will surely contact you.

Pros of paid social media

Connecting with a new audience

You’ll be able to connect with the new audience in no time since you are going to pay for the content you are going to post for them.


Paid social media is certainly going to be cost-effective since you are going to pay in the manner of cost per click which is known as CPC and it is certainly going to save your money.

Retargeting is beneficial

Cost per click also helps in retargeting the same audience to whom your content was shown and if they see your content, again and again, there will be a possibility that they may get interested and try to know more about that.

Cons of paid social media

No guarantee of a good return

You’ll be able to invest through paid social media but there’s no surety of getting a good return and that’s why it is one of the aspects you must consider in a great way.

It can also be time consuming

It can certainly be time-consuming because you never know when customers will be able to respond to the content they see and for that, you will have to wait patiently.

Which type of social media can be better for you?

It is according to the requirement that you should decide whether you need to go through organic social media or paid social media. If you feel that your businesses can thrive without having to pay, you should go through organic social media and you may wait for quite some time for the result to show up. If you want some instant results from the customers online, you can choose paid social media as well and see to it whether it is going to benefit you for a long time or not. 

Techsaga Corporation, a Digital Marketing Company works on the terms of Accelerated adoption of cloud computing, unraveling the focussed strategies of social media, helping real estate developers to understand the pulse of their target audience and address their queries, feedback, and concerns in real-time.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Why and How to Use Testimonials to Increase Website Conversions

Every business has  a primary goal which is to increase their followers and conversions.However, as the world economy is getting competitive with each passing day, it is hard to get noticed  by your prospects. Therefore, if you want your brand to stand out among others and outshine your brand– Client testimonials can do wonders and speak volumes.

Customer testimonials are vital for your ecommerce business, and serve as a form of affirmation for your products or services. Techsaga, is IT Company for E-commerce, understands that leveraging the digital strategies and right SEO strategies, online retailers can reap lucrative returns for their business.

IT Company for E-commerce | Techsaga Corporation

Client testimonials is a social tool to increase conversions on your through social media. Client testimonials are also referred to as ‘social proof’. In other words,visitors can find value in your products and/or services if positive feedback is displayed on your website or social pages from other real-life customers. This helps prospects to make informed decision.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss why adding testimonials to your website can be valuable for your business? 

Reviewing a book, an apparel or a hotel stay are common these days. And in numerous cases, customers probably receive countless emails asking them to write their experience in a review.

Therefore, reviews or testimonials hold more value to a business than you may think.

Dedicated Testimonials Page Can Make a Difference:

A dedicated testimonials page can prove to be a goldmine for your business as prospects who seek social proof to make purchase decisions can invest in your product/services, if convinced.

A dedicated page helps you to convince your prospects about your products or services that require a lot of investment, and you need  more testimonials for them.

A dedicated testimonials page doesn’t need whims and fancies but the most important element on the page is content itself and golden words delivered by your happy customers.

Customer testimonials are one of the most important pieces of information on website and landing pages., from which prospects can get a clear idea about your brand. Good elaborative customer testimonials are 89% more effective in increasing conversions rates as compared to other social media tools. 

Testimonials vs. Reviews.Key difference?

Client testimonials are different from user reviews. Reviews are simply the user's own independent opinion about the business, and their nature can be positive as well as negative, depending upon the experience. Contrary to that, testimonial is a carefully curated and crafted statement highlighting the positive experience about the product / service. Testimonials are garnered by the company asking their best customers to provide insights on their product/ services. 

Client Testimonials: New-Age Social Tool Demonstrate Benefits

The goal of every testimonial proves credibility of  your brand showing potential customers how previous customers satisfied with the product/ services. Prospects always prefer to know that the product has been tried and tested successfully by other customers and so they recommend it to others for future use. Testimonials should not be from an anonymous user.

Successful testimonial addresses 3 challenges:

1.Eliminates pre-purchase anxiety of prospects:

The testimonial should address the doubts, hesitations or difficulties they faced before they purchased your product. 

2.Highlighting Post-Purchase satisfaction

The customer should share the results/ outcome of using that product, that they have used it. Customers should pinpoint how the product eliminated any of the negative pain points related to the benefits coming from this product.

3. Sharing the experience:

The customer should write how soon they achieved the results. Also emphasize on how insightful, confident, happier they felt after using your products. 

It is pivotal to ask your existing customers to ask for a constructive review but since they may not speak or write lengthy testimonials because of a hectic schedule around them, they may ask your team to carefully create a script post. Team members can gather points over a quick call session and it will be imperative for you in crafting a successful testimonial which is authentic and powerful leading to strong positioning of your brand among your target audiences. 

Customer Testimonials to Increase Customer Acquisition:

Social Media

Social media channels are the best platforms to share customer testimonials. Brands that share authentic user-generated content can build more trust among their user base with their social media pages like pages on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. They provide opportunities to post customer testimonials alongside customer photos and profiles.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engines always hold weightage in terms of customer testimonials for a number of reasons. Customer- engagement through testimonial is a key factor for increased search ranking for your brand and to create hype. 

Testimonials bring a fresh and honest perspective and present relevant content that proves to search engines customers are interacting with your brand.

Reviews generally contain long-tail keywords that customers are actually searching or googling.

Should exhibit meaningful understanding of the product. 


20% of eCommerce businesses lose their prospects due to an unclear product or service description. Therefore, Customer testimonials are a fantastic way to mitigate this issue and keep your customers buying. 

Testimonials optimization helps in a way that generic testimonials should be represented and the content of each testimonial should be focussing on your product, another one on your customer service, and another on your reliability or responsiveness. More benefits demonstrate to prospects leading to more engagement which is likely to convert.

Most E-commerce businesses are too complicated and an experienced team like Techsaga, offers Integrated Brand Promotion Company, with the right tools and strategies to make everything work in your favor. If you think it’s time to create a niche for yourself in the market, collaborate with Techsaga for proper guidance and how you can leverage digital marketing, SEO services and advertising for better ROI. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Low-risk releases: Removing 8 common wastes from your software development life cycle

Even a well-functioning software development process can be a waste due to some bottle-neck issues. Inefficient teams, resources and processes can be a hindrance existing in your software development “factory.” For your software to be highly efficient, you need to address waste in a systematic and in a sustainable way.

Software Development Company | Techsaga Corporation

In this technology-infused digitization, businesses aim to deliver quality applications successfully in an effective and quickest way. To meet this imperative is by rooting latency out of the application delivery pipeline, followed by DevOps practices that emphasize automated solutions.

Techsaga, is a leading Automation Software Development Company ,aimed to increase operational efficiency of business processes 

During these following seven stages, you’ll find waste in your software development life cycle (SDLC) and how you can solve them with a DevOps approach.

1. Overproduction

In your SDLC process, software professionals can produce a large set of bug fixes or features in this stage and are not ready to deploy. Team will keep on building the software, working on updates, while sitting idle. If the team is deploying every feature in single stages, chances are overwhelming your users with excessive feature additions and changes.


How to solve overproduction with DevOps

Your team should be in a position where it should create a pool of features at high velocity, look into your overall flow and reconsider shifting focus from quantity to quality. Faster bug fixing leads to better quality software with less defects and a better pace for delivering features to the customer.

2. Stagnation

Technically, this doesn’t cost much to store stagnant software “inventory,” but organizations have paid their teams for the unfinished tasks which are not seeing any returns. Partially completed work will cost the organization much higher when trying to address these tickets later on.

Solving software inventory issues with DevOps:

Instruct your team to prioritize tasks If you find, for example, piles of unfinished projects, and none of them gets completed on time, their scope of work is too broad. Devote resources and time to proper backlog refinement and story adjustment.

3. Software Motion through SDLC:

Transferring software from one stage of the software development during the life cycle to another is termed as “motion”. Each phase transition is an opportunity for a roadblock to introduce waste into your process.


How to solve motion roadblocks with DevOps

Identify bottlenecks with mindfulness that how they would affect the flow of software during the life cycle. Prioritize removing those bottlenecks so that developers won’t be waiting for something else to happen before they initiate the task.

4. Preventable defects

Software product development cycles can never be defective-free. Software continuously evolves as due to innovation in technology, changing landscapes and more. In a year, your software will not be the same as it is today. But these defects are treatable and rework must be done to decrease customer frustration.


How to address defects in DevOps

Right process application witnesses improved software flow, with quality and sees fewer defects. Quality can be achieved through automated testing processes. A well-built testing process easily catch-up the defects in a small unit of work, also will require minimal effort to change it later.

5. Feature bloat

Too many features will make your dashboard a complex to navigate. More features will lead to software bloating, the greater the chances of something going wrong.


How to solve over-processing with DevOps

Proper backlog of tasks ensuring seamless runaway feature sets from being deployed. Team should not create features the customer doesn’t need, as they will be needing time to work on identifying and preventing defects. 

6. Wait time

Longer waiting time for processes like features integration, testing or deployment leads to bottlenecks in the process, as it will cause delay or slow their work process.


How to decrease wait time in DevOps

Focus on creating and maintaining your value stream by filing time between the gap in the stages from deploying stage to production. Deploying automation is a great idea to reduce time wastage between those steps, prioritizing the gaps which requires least effort to solve. Most issues with longer waiting time can be eliminated with automation or a policy change in a process. For example, any approval process which needed manual intervention of humans can be replaced by some other checking methods.

7. Transport

Transportation of software never adds any value to the SDLC cycle. This phase or stage includes making the created product reach its destination. In software, “transport” ecompasses the time which is the time consumed while building the software, testing and approved for release and the moment when the customer uses it.


How to solve transportation issues with DevOps

Transport issues of software can be handled with an integration, where artifacts are in motion. Implementing and integrating automated processes in software will enable you to push software into an environment for testing and deliver it as soon as it's deemed customer-ready.


One of the most common wastes of the current software development processes which includes Agile methodology, is setting up development and testing atmosphere. Each time a new software developer joins the team, teams in an organization spend a considerable amount of time setting up and configuring Dev/QA environments. Additionally, if any change needs to be done in configuration of existing applications, then software developers/IT staff get involved in reconfiguring the testing environments accordingly.

Testing environment is created by setting-up dedicated test servers and any changes to application configuration requires the dedicated test server’s configurations to be changed relatively. A self-service test environment is a complete automated process. However, software development from self-service DevOps and test environments is completely automated using containers such as Dockers, CoreOS and configuration management technologies such as Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc. The human intervention and time involved in these environments is completely eliminated.

Wrap Up!!

Nowadays, Software development teams from DevOps are changing the way that software is developed and deployed. IT companies are adapting the DevOps settings adding value in the software development process and to the customers and be in sync with the changing technology landscape.


Being a top Mobile app Development Company in Noida, Techsaga can take you forward on your DevOps journey to continuously improve the organization’s performance in terms of profitability, productivity, and customer satisfaction.our software engineers will provide the best end-to-end cloud cost optimization solutions and produce cloud based infrastructure to handle on-demand project requirements. Consequently, you can spare time and budget for other business-focused purposes.

Above discussed warning signs can help you to keep a lookout and take action at each stage required. Map your waste against your SDLC process to help you take a structured approach to analyzing your software flow. Inefficiencies with purpose can be addressed as they arise. Reducing waste within your process will help you increase velocity, the value you deliver to customers and your company’s bottom line.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

5 Successful Social Media Campaigns You Can Learn From | Techsaga Corporation

Businesses of all types have started using social media platforms of one type or the other because they know that presence on the social media sites is what going to make their business successful. Techsaga is a Social Media Marketing Company that gives reliable marketing and branding solutions for businesses to expand. 

Social Media Marketing Company | Techsaga Corporation

Facebook social media campaign: Carlsberg

Carlsberg created a special match to promote the support for Liverpool FC in the final of 2019 as far as the Champions League season was concerned. The brand shared the message through the video to Liverpool fans and influencers.

Facebook networks have become so powerful that if you want to promote your business on Facebook, you can surely captivate the attention of the audience. There are lots of companies that have been able to improve their brands only because they meet customers everywhere through the platform Facebook and they’ve got significant traffic to their website by providing the link. There are lots of products that are made available through Facebook and companies take the benefits of the users as many users keep visiting Facebook. If you want your brand to be promoted in the best way possible, Facebook is a platform that you can go through and you can keep a track record of the data that you get in the form of the number of customers.

Instagram social media campaign: Red Bull

Lots of brands have been able to make their brands run in the world and according to Forbes world’s most powerful brand list in 2020, Red Bull has got the rank of 69 and Red Bull has been able to serve the customers for over 28 years and because of this, it has been able to make its brand well known in the world. The power of Instagram has been such that it helps in driving engaged users to the brand network. You will have to grow your customer base if you want to take benefit of Instagram and you’ll have to understand how the customers behave on the platform. If you want your business brand to grow on Instagram, you will have to use Instagram hashtags for getting the benefits.

Twitter social media campaign: Auto Trader 

As far as Ireland’s largest online car marketplace is concerned, the name Auto Trader is on the top. It used the hashtag of AutoTrader goals to promote and raise awareness.  Twitter has been able to make its position high, especially among the companies and top leaders as they believe that its interaction with the people is quite conversational and it can make them feel attached to their business types and campaigns. It can capture the public imagination in the easiest way possible.

LinkedIn social media campaigns: Maersk

If you want to know the name of the largest container shipping company in the world, Maersk is the company and it has reached around 150 countries in the world. It has used its social media channels in a great way to market its activities and it has been able to know the preferences of its customers through LinkedIn in various ways. It has shared relevant information related to its business with its customers and it has used an approach that has given it a great success. It has been able to get a great leadership profile on LinkedIn and through that, it has also improved its reputation. It has given value to its followers on LinkedIn and because of this, it has established its position at the top.

Techsaga Corporations, a Digital Marketing Company holds decade-old expertise and offers digital marketing solutions, helping customers with trending marketing tools and forward-thinking strategies, enabling organizations to focus on agility, flexibility, and secure customer loyalty. 

YouTube social media campaign: Jamie Oliver’s Food Tube

Jamie Oliver’s channel on YouTube provides tutorials and recipe videos along with funny videos to the viewers. Subscribers also give suggestions and they also contribute to becoming a part of this story. The channel has been able to build great, vibrant, and interactive followers most positively. This particular channel has got more than 5.5 million subscribers and because of this, it has been able to make its brand popular.

YouTube platform has become such a platform where different types of marketing companies have come up and they have started providing solutions to the viewers in the form of videos because of this, they have gained more followers to make their brands better known.


Social media campaigns are always the best because they help in making a particular brand stand out among the customers. Nowadays if a business is devoid of any social media platform, it is missing so many things whose benefits cannot be imagined. Social media campaigns drive a business to the top and it also allows various customers to follow the products that a company deals in. Techsaga, a Social Media Marketing Company, has evolved with the ever-changing marketing strategy and the biggest upcoming digital marketing trends for 2022. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

How has Technology affected the Travel Agency Industry?

 Technology has changed and transformed the way we live our lives, the travel industry is also not untouched by digital evolution.

The impact of digitization can be reported on the ways travel agents do their business, compelling travel agents to understand the significance of personal computers, cell phones, and the Internet which are becoming an integral part of our lives. Travel technology is the industry game-changer.

Techsaga is Noida based IT company, catering tour, and travel industry, helping businesses with day-to-day operations, improving overall customer experience.

Technology has completely changed how we work, shop, eat and spend our leisure time only with a simple tap on our smartphones.

Consistent technological advances also made their place in the travel industry. Technology has revolutionized the travel industry as people can book hotel rooms, flights, sightseeing tours, and other activities, only with a simple click on their devices. People can plan entire travel plans and make travel adventures more convenient and fun with these massive changes due to travel technology.

Leveraging a Fast-Paced Technology:

Technology is changing rapidly more than one can ever imagine, Artificial intelligence and a few trends like machine language have only given it a boom as it brought efficiencies, automation, business opportunities to cater to the need of development of new products or services, traveler knowledge, and space for new entrants. Past technology is now history, and the only lesson we can learn is to focus on what will happen in the next 20 years in the travel industry, and how the technology can be leveraged to address new business opportunities in this industry.

Travel agencies need to keep up the pace and maintain the rhythm of change to anticipate the change that is transforming from product-centric to information and more customer-centric. Looking at some current trends, The travel industry is going under a huge paradigm shift from changing traffic patterns to a web/mobile history where consumer search history or recorded data is analyzed to address individual traveler needs. 

In the early 90s, travel agencies online were not the modus operandi due to the absence of in-house computers at that time. As travel agents or tour operators were dependent on recommendations from existing customers with the same travel experience, attending industry events, and developing personal relationships with vendors through events to get the business going on.

Plus, travel was often booked by phone or via fax.

But now with easy access to the Internet, travel agents rely heavily on technological advances that allow their clients to make bookings online, followed by payments. Also, social media pages and informative websites of travel agencies furthermore give required information to their prospective travelers.


Social Media Driven Business:

The advent of the Internet resulted in the unprecedented vast volume of sharing of information through social media, blogs, and online discussion forum groups between consumers. Travelers from around the world share their travel experiences through reviews with others. As a result, travelers are becoming more aware of the trending and safe destinations. Travel agents can go one step ahead by using social media tools by starting their own blogs, establishing social media channels, establishing company profiles, and providing in-depth information about destinations to build relationships with potential and current clients.

Due to the digital evolution, it permits travel agents to look out for information, book, and confirm travel online. There is no need to maintain physical documents of clients and also, the clients don't need to be physically present to book their tours or make payments.

The whole process can be executed online from booking, payments, and confirmations, information can be sent via email to clients for the same.

Travel Tech is a Travel buddy:

In simplest terms, technology is employed to plan and book trips, helping customers in airline ticket booking, seeking hotel accommodation, car rentals, and many other travel-related activities.

Today, computerized reservation systems (CRSs) are employed where information of the customer can be stored in cloud-based platforms and that information can be retrieved anytime, streamlining the whole process efficiently.

Also, the travel industry can handle travel-related matters, everything from start to end. For travel agencies, travel technology automates everything in a process from bookings, finalizing payments, and executing back-office tasks, and on the other hand, also enables consumers to make their online bookings without a travel agent.

AI and Chatbots:

For eg: AI-powered tool Chatbots provide 24/7 customer support, additionally can make bookings, provide instant answers to FAQs, process payments, and carry conversations without human intervention.

Chatbots are new human buddies.

Thanks to machine learning, AI tools based on the preferences and interests of consumers provide insights and preferences regarding travel destinations. 

Wrap up!

Techsaga is an information technology-driven company helping travel agencies worldwide to be on track by implementing travel technology. Online Travel agencies are taking leverage of AI-powered automated processes to provide personalized services. We help travel agents in creating more customized vacation experiences, and stable relationships to customers through in-depth knowledge, catering to clients who need the expertise.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Business analysis in Software Development | Techsaga Corporation

With the involvement of a client and the development team, the role of a business analyst comes into power but many people have this misinformation that the availability of a business analyst is only there for the preparation of the documents but it is quite different. The role of a particular analyst is not just limited to being the part of meetings and writing things down but an analyst is a person who goes beyond identifying the needs of the stakeholders as well. When it is about business analysis, he should be able to think very clearly and he should know the needs of the customers to recommend the best solutions for them. 

Techsaga Corporations, a Software Development Company has got a habit to present your aspired model as fast as you ask for, they design your trading task manager and add wings to your business.

Mobile Apps Development Company | Techsaga Corporation

Let’s understand the elements of business analysis first. 

Analysis of the business in a proper way

A business analyst must have the understanding and the identification of the needs that a particular industry has to promote its business in the best possible way. He should be able to define a solution scope that a business can implement to give its growth a great boom.

Management and planning of requirements

It is also the responsibility of a business analyst to make sure that the stakeholders, as well as the team related to the project, are in full agreement and they are getting a great solution in scope on which they can work in a good manner. There should be a good understanding between the company and the stakeholders as that is what becomes the most important factor for the overall growth of the business.

Communicating requirements

A business analyst must have the quality of sharing analytical documentation with those who are part of project stakeholders.  He must inform all the stakeholders about the changes which can be made as far as the scope of requirements for the business is concerned.

 Documenting requirements

The preparation of the description of requirements should be such that it can be detailed which will make it easier for all the programmers and designers to design the description in a great way. Documentation helps in many ways as it can improve the collection requirements through the increase of the involvement of the stakeholders.

Assessment and validation in business analysis

The solution should be such that it can determine whether it fits the needs of the business or not. The assessment also includes the shortcomings and gaps to know whether any practical solution exists or not. This will surely bring those aspects which may be considered for the possibility of making some changes to the solution. It is the responsibility of a business analyst to evaluate the performance of the solutions and identify the opportunities along with understanding the value of the solutions. These steps are important in making the solutions better.

Techsaga Corporations, a Mobile Apps Development Company build online display projects for your enterprise ensuring that your workflow moves at a rapid pace. 

What qualities should a business analyst possess?

The most important quality for any business analyst is to take the carrier of the company to its heights and that can happen only when the company can fulfill the requirements of the clients in the best possible way. A business analyst must have complete knowledge and understanding of the sector in which he is serving and it is also the responsibility of a business analyst to describe the business to the clients in the simplest way possible. There are some business-related terms that a business analyst must know so that he may use those terms to simplify the business to the clients.

 A business analyst should have the technical know-how and if there is no deep understanding of the complexity of the systems, it will surely become impossible for him to describe the business to others in an easy manner.

There is no doubt that the responsibility of an analyst is technical but there's a great requirement of soft skills which a business analyst must-have. He should be such that he may be able to formulate the thoughts in a clear and precise manner.


Whenever there is an expansion in software development, the demand for a business analyst increases very fast. There is a requirement of so many abilities to be a business analyst such as soft and hard skills. This particular position of business analyst works as a link between business and IT teams. Without business analysts, it becomes very difficult to ensure the requirements of the customers and the technical team is not able to grasp all the things that a particular customer requires. If you are in search of a Software Development Company, Techsaga is a platform with which you can go ahead as it deals in software development for various clients.


Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Importance of Having Integrated Marketing Communications | Techsaga Corporations

 As far as the concept of integrated marketing communications is concerned, it is a powerful way to put your business on the map and bring more and more sales to help your business grow rapidly. Even if you run a small business, you must have come across this term of “IMC” and you must be having the enthusiasm to know more about it. There are two concepts related to integrated marketing communications and are multi-channel attribution and omnichannel marketing while they are not the same but are related to integrated marketing communications.

Techsaga offers IT services for the Integrated brand management industry to improvise operational efficiencies and streamline internal processes through developing well-planned methodologies intended to support organizations and fulfill the necessities.

As far as multi-channel attribution is concerned, it is simply a method to reach different channels to be in contact with your audience. If you have a combination of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, email list, and anything related to your website, you are already part of multi-channel marketing.

 When it comes to omnichannel marketing, it takes multi-channel attribution to a different level and this particular omnichannel marketing ensures that one type of message is just taken across all the platforms used in multi-channel attribution.

Hence, it can be very well said that integrated marketing communications (IMC) have the combination of both multi-channel tribulation as well as omnichannel marketing which mixes both of them for expanding a particular business. Even if you go through a small business, you are going to be the only responsible person to go through the marketing efforts and if you can go through marketing efforts successfully, your business will just grow like anything. Because of marketing efforts, your business can turn into a larger company which will surely give you lots of customers and audience to give you positive reviews. You also have to go through hiring the employees who will be part of sales teams along with marketing teams and you will also be the part of several agencies to take your business to a different height.

 What roles do integrated marketing communications play in making the business successful?

The roads of integrated marketing communications are so great that they help in increasing the brand awareness of a business. IMC also helps in reaching a larger audience and wherever there is a possibility of getting returns, it just implements its multi-channel marketing as well as Omnichannel marketing. It also helps in getting the most effective sales teams to help in getting great profit for the company. Once a particular business starts adopting IMC initially, it will not have to bring lots of changes in the future to run the business with good time and money. The strategy IMC used in its starting will surely help in the long run.

For robust API management services, you can contact Techsaga Corporation which is well versed in their services and care for client needs.   

What are the benefits of using integrated marketing communications?

You get improved results

As far as traditional marketing approaches are concerned, they are such that they take place through sales promotions and there is also a chance of great conflict with one another if there are more members in one particular team. This becomes chaotic and disorganized and it doesn’t become successful. As far as the integrated approach is concerned, it will take your marketing teams together and the marketing machinery will be effective to execute the work according to the guidelines. There are many external marketing agencies, blog posts, and articles which work in collaboration with the sales teams. Such processes help in customer confidence in a great manner.

Improvement in brand image

 Having a brand message that echoes with everything is just amazing and if there is any business, there has to be a brand message along with voice, headers as well as logos, and these things become essential for improving the brand image of a particular business. When customers get consistent services over some time, they can build their trust and they're able to attach themselves to a particular business. It has also been seen that customers start identifying themselves to be associated with a particular brand. IMC helps a lot in improving the brand’s elements as the strategy used in IMC just matches up with the consumers and how they respond to the actions.

You get cost-effective results

 Once you become a successful business owner, you already know that having unnecessary costs is not good and because of this, you work on those factors which can cut down the cost and it can happen by implementing an integrated marketing campaign. Reduced costs always make your business grow manifold and you use different types of content in the same way to reduce the cost of copywriting, photography as well as design.

Increased morale helps you a lot

 As far as the external benefits of IMC are concerned, the most important benefit that you can get through the IMC strategy is increasing morale which again becomes a reason for you to focus on the consistency of your business. Your team members will always be in contact with one another and they will always try to solve all the problems coming their way to take the business forward.


An integrated marketing communication strategy helps a lot as far as taking a particular business to a next level is concerned. The strategy will not only boost the image of the business, but it will also help the internal teams achieve various types of benefits. The business can have lots of savings and costs will go down through IMC and you and your team will be able to enjoy a win-win situation.

Techsaga being the leading Integrated brand management firm can help you to reach out to potential customers and make a stronger connection with your existing ones, with a potential digital marketing strategy best suitable to your business. 

So if you have the planning of going forward with your small business, you should surely make changes and you should give more focus towards communication with the audience in the most effective way. And since strategy can help a lot in this particular process of IMC, you can certainly take your business to great heights.