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6 Key Project Management Trends Shaping IT Consulting in 2021 | Techsaga Corporations


Covid- outbreak has caused a stir worldwide and affected market health in the worst way. Businesses are getting rocky amidst the pandemic and struggling to thrive in the ever-changing economy. The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the ways of doing business. Regaining momentum amidst this global disease is challenging. 

The majority of businesses are trying to bounce back since the world market has opened 

since 2021.

This year, their approach is to build and establish themselves to flourish in a post-pandemic era. Techsaga, IT company in noida shares the top 5 project management trends that will shape 2021 :

Trend 1: Increased Reliance on Remote Work and Distributed Teams

The global pandemic pushed nearly every business to go remote and distribute work accordingly. Running a business from your home was one of the recollected memories of employees and business owners when they look back to 2020. The post-pandemic era can witness more companies switching to work remotely or establishing hybrid teams, becoming the major trend for 2021.

Hybrid teams are flexible and can work both ways. While companies are gaining confidence in going into a fully distributed team, we can see more companies investing in the freelancer market to augment their workforce this 2021. This will help reduce their overhead costs and outsource a highly-skilled talent pool to cut costs.

Trend 2: Emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility Programs

Major philanthropic contributions were seen during the pandemic and taught us to support our local communities for the betterment of society. Consumers are more aware and everyone wants to be a part of the contribution so consumers look for companies who are doing a bit by becoming an active contributor in rebuilding their communities. This fund can be used to run programs geared towards health and safety, environment, livelihood, and financial stability. These contributions improve the company’s market value, lineage and help in building a sustainable ecosystem for businesses and citizens alike. Project managers play an active role in shaping and pushing these actions forward.

Trend 3: Increased Focus on Human Skills

Another trend during the covid outbreak was compassion and empathy.

Apart from developing core competencies like skills, talent, and proficiency, the team’s success also depends on cultivating human skills. Leaders should put equal importance on making teams armed with the right human skills to lead their teams. Empathy, trust, communication, compassion, flexibility are key human skills that are needed foremost during these tough times.

Some of your employees may have gone through tragic fate so business leaders must step up and uplift their teams. These human values should be inculcated and deeply ingrained in the company's culture, as it is the responsibility of managers to create a safe space for your teams to work in.

Trend 4: Leverage Automation and data Analytics tools for Project Management

Last year, companies saw an exponential rise in the use of AI and Data Analytics tools.

The Past year has greatly pushed this project management trend to dominate 2021. Project managers are more prone to automating their tasks and vital time-taking processes including resource planning, scheduling, budget planning, and project monitoring. 

Project management software equipped with AI and data analytics is into upskilling the business processes as well.

Trend 5: Hybrid Project Management Approach

The traditional organizations used single project management frameworks in the past but the fast-paced times have arrived due to digitization demanding organizations to be flexible and agile. In today’s competitive world, companies are adopting a hybrid approach for project management, allowing project managers to take advantage of various techniques from different methodologies.

In 2021, More companies will use Agile methodologies by adopting hybrid project management approaches. In a few instances, companies employ both Agile methodologies and traditional project management frameworks. Project managers are taking this approach forward and are pushed to upskill and learn more frameworks to adapt to the unique requirements of their projects. 

Trend 6: Kanban for Project Management

Companies are using Kanban as a project management framework these days and combining it with Agile methodologies. So, Kanban is another project management trend, a proven method to streamline and improve workflow within the organization.

Project Management Trends in 2021

Needless to say, the year 2020 has posed challenges to the companies. Businesses need to be more flexible and to regain momentum project managers should be resilient and poised to help their organizations regain momentum and bounce back with full momentum.

By knowing and following these major project management trends, businesses can easily adapt and adjust while keeping the company's core values, business goals, and vision intact.

Each year brings its own challenges. But with focus, determination, and the right tools and techniques at your disposal, you can face these challenges head-on.

Experts’ forecasts

Forecasting is extremely difficult and depends on various factors.

 Software for project management can be integrated easily and can be managed with ease by experts.

The expert believes that software is going to become simpler and can be seamlessly integrated with other tools, such as personal time management apps.

All software applications, including project management software applicability, are mostly affected by user experience. Project Management software helps organizations in any transition and helps enterprise applications meet required specialized skills.

Seamless workflow management is possible because of more transparency in the business and depends on how teams collaborate.

Technology has already been a driving force for organizations that are following Project Management trends that increase productivity and better workflow.

To be ahead of your competitors in these gloomy times of uncertainty, hire a project management framework from Techsaga, Indian Business Consultancies.

Manage your projects and workflow with us, exploring how technology can simplify and upgrade all business processes.


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