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Boost your E-commerce business through a Digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing strategies are always going to make a particular company grow in a competitive landscape, especially in the post-COVID world when many companies are pushed to go online. This paradigm shift can be frustrating for a company to find a place for itself in the market. Also, their current digital marketing strategies are not helping them to get the most out of their marketing budget. Few repercussions include low sales, low rankings, clicks with no conversions, no trend talk, or floundering on social media, often ending up with miss the mark at times. 

Techsaga is the best digital marketing company that can assist e-Commerce businesses to overcome digital marketing challenges in today’s competitive landscape through the best digital marketing services. Techsaga will help you to stay ahead of your competition with improved ROI.

Boost your E-commerce business through a Digital marketing strategy

In this blog post, you’ll learn the best digital marketing strategies and practices to increase 10X the sales of our customers in the B2B and B2C space.

What is eCommerce Marketing?

eCommerce marketing includes the promotion of the products or services of an eCommerce business to target the right audience through deploying online marketing channels.

Here we have listed nine of the top digital marketing tactics to boost your eCommerce business:

1. Customer Awareness Campaign-

Understanding the target market segment is crucial for eCommerce marketers while implementing a successful social media marketing campaign. A prerequisite is to do proper research about the target prospects by understanding their demographic profile. Digital marketers can pitch potential customers by creating proper customer awareness projects after understanding the customer profile to see desired conversions

2. Consumer Behavior Through Analytics-

Today, there are a plethora of online tools available that can track the analytics of people who visit your online store. These tools store pivotal information about your visitors and store information like the gender of your website visitor, their location, the site from which they came, and their activities on your website upon arrival. This vital analytical information can be utilized by digital marketers to build accurate profiles of your ideal customer and help you with your customer awareness campaign.

3. Targeting Through Social Media-

Social media is the most engaging platform to engage with your customers, spread the word about your brand, and redesign your products and services to provide clients with better solutions. Social media platforms offer robust and scalable interactive features for your customers: from ‘live hangouts’ to polls, filling surveys, comments, and chats, you can interact with customers, inform them about your new products and services, and understand their behavior.

4. Retargeting Campaign

E-commerce marketer understands that retargeting is a must to achieve the desired results. ‘Retargeting campaigns’ are designed to encash an ample amount of money-making opportunities online as they refer to showing ads to customers who have in the past shown an interest in certain products and services that you offer on your eCommerce website. 

5. Well-Executed Reminders Can Convert-

The brutal truth is, prospects visiting an eCommerce site for the first time are likely not to make any purchases on the first visit. However, the likelihood of them buying the product later increases dramatically if reminders can be sent or ads can be shown again. So, retargeting serves to send a subtle reminder to potential customers to activate their shopping neurons so that they should reconsider completing the purchase for the product they checked last time and left in the basket. A well-executed reminder can lead to the final purchase intent in a prospective buyer, making this one of the most consistently successful digital marketing tactics available.

6. Customer Feedback-

Create brand pages on social media where customers can post their grievances and encourage them to create hype for your brand. Don’t limit social media to simply responding to customer inquiries, rather open up the discussion between customers by asking for feedback and proactively seeking unbiased reviews from customers to share their experience with your website or app.

Encourage existing buyers to write constructive feedback if they liked the products to promote your products. As prospects are more interested in hearing about your products from people who have purchased them in the past, than from your sales team.

7. Social Media Handles-

To raise awareness of your product or service, Social media is a platform you can’t skip. For instance, if you want to grow your followers, you want to convert your followers into customers. To execute this, social media buttons can be added to facilitate buying, also providing links to your social media channels, you can make it easier for customers to purchase the products you have in store. Plus, On your Instagram handle, one can also add a link to your products in your bio section; in addition, on Facebook, you can add a buy button, while on Pinterest you can add buyable pins.

8. Consistent Content Strategy-

Unarguably, Content remains an important way to boost your eCommerce business. The idea is to create relevant, unique, consistent content that elicits engagement, and ultimately, sales. Also scheduling your posting time and days to post also affects audience engagement.

Key Learnings-

A well-defined clear Digital marketing strategy can do wonders for your brand if it comes to increasing sales of your eCommerce website. Also, it depends on what budget you are allocating to create a buzz around your brand for better conversions. Channelizing all the resources which generate more sales and revenue for your eCommerce business can often be challenging.

To boost sales of your e-Commerce store, Techsaga offers digital marketing services in India, to help you build businesses by adopting solid marketing strategies.


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